Do you enjoy purchasing books in the store or online?
I have found myself recently in a position where I have been buying several books online instead of in the store. Why is that? Well, recently my favorite book store, Borders, was closed. Well, not all the Borders have closed, but the one closest to me has. It was the closest, best, book store around. There are a few used book stores and one store that sells some new and used books but that's not the store's specialty. But realizing that I've had to do more book shopping online, I thought about what I miss about buying in store.
In store shopping allows me to browse in any section and let the titles and cover/spine art catch my attention. To me, browsing books is faster in store than online. I also enjoy being able to pull out books that I've already read, and love, and feigning interest and putting them back on the shelf, but so that they are now facing out so others will notice them easier. LOL. I see books I have thoroughly enjoyed and I want others to spot them easier. hehe. Anyone else guilty of this? Anyways, I also miss being able to just grab the book, purchase it, and take it home to immediately start reading. When buying online I have to wait for the book to ship to me. Which can be very annoying. Like recently when I pre-ordered Eona, the sequel to Eon, by Alison Goodman. I had been waiting forever for this sequel to be released and was so excited. Well, it came out and didn't ship until a few days after it was released. I had to wait over a week after it's release to receive. I was so ticked. Why didn't I just go buy it in store somewhere? Well, I was worried that they wouldn't have it available in store anywhere nearby. I also didn't anticipate the length of time it would take to be shipped. I definitely won't be ordering through the same company again (Barnes&Noble).
So tell me what your preference is. I want to know what makes people choose between in store book shopping and online book shopping. Do you own a Kindle and that's why you buy online, for the digital book? Let me know. :)

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