I would never had found this book except for this wonderful book reviewer who blogs on http://chachic.wordpress.com/ . She is the only book reviewer I actually read. She reviewed this book and it sounded good, so I picked it up when I saw it at the book store.
Legend has it that only the two magical swords held in trust by Neroche's rulers can defeat the evil in the black mage...and never have they been more needed, as the mage's assault begins to cover the kingdom in darkness.
It was very easy to become engrossed in this story. AT 327 pages long, it took me two days to read. Introducing the King of Neroche before his archmage brother was a very good move by Kurland. I would not have liked the King at all if I had met his brother first. I like how she uses this also with introducing the pair to the main female, Morgan. Morgan is a mystery to these Neroche men, as well as herself. Yet, in their travels, they learn about her as she also learns about herself. This book is the 1st of a series. I would consider this 1st book as, the journey. The next book, I'm sure will be, the plan. My only complaint would be that everything was too predictable up until the very end. The synopsis on the back of the book gives away too much of the story line and ruins the surprises that could have been throughout the book for the reader. That is why I did not recite the whole synopsis for you here. ;) Over all though, I consider this a very good fantasy novel. It has rich characters, a nice journey and a twitterpating romance. :)
I give this book 4/5 Stars! Missing 1 star because of the spoiling back cover synopsis and the predictability.
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