The final book of the Axis trilogy, Starman, was a wonderful read. Sara Douglass really makes the readers happy as they come to the end of this story. It was so exciting to read. All the answers we were longing for are revealed and we get to see many wondrous things happen. It's not a fairy tale ending of "happily ever after" though. We do see some death that wished we didn't happen, but all in all...it was amazing. There are still 3 more books in The Wayfarer Redemption series, but they are a trilogy of their own which I have read are to be the story of Axis' children. I am nervous thinking about what they might bring, knowing that at least one of his children is meant for evil. My favorite part of this book would be revalation of the 9 star gods and the fact that we finally see Wolfstar credited for his help instead of his horrid deads from his past. I was also very happy to see the Bane who hates Azhure be discredited and disposed of...to say in an unkind way. I wonder if the Bane had been corrupted by something evil trying to sway the Avar... The book is 647 pages long, not including the wonderful glossary again. The ending epilogue chapter really helps us tie this story to the next as we head out to the store to pick up the next in the series to discover the adventures that await Axis' children. I am happy with the epilogue, for in some stories the epilogue ends the book and series leaving you wanting more and upset with the author for that (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...ya that's right J.K. Rowling....I'm mad at you for your epilogue.) Anyways... I will give this book the best rating yet. 25/5 stars! The best book of the trilogy. Thank you Sara Douglass for this wonderful story.